Delta Showcases Industrial Automation Solutions and Power Supplies at Manufacturing Expo 2018

Bangkok, Thailand, June 20 - 23, 2018 – Delta showcased its extensive portfolio of industrial automation products and solutions for Industry 4.0 applications at the Manufacturing Expo 2018. Held at BITEC, Bangkok, the exhibition is one of Thailand’s largest manufacturing and supporting industries event and a central platform for over 85,000 industrialists within ASEAN to explore 2,400 manufacturing industry brands from 46 countries.

During the event, the Delta industrial automation team showcased its innovative portfolio including the Industrial Cloud Router, HMIs, PLCs and High Performance Compact Drives that can integrate to enable high-level automation. Visitors were the most impressed with Delta’s large DRV series-Articulated Robot demonstration that showed its range of motion with videos displayed by Delta’s Vivitek projector technology. The videos gave real-life examples of many of the robot’s advantages including safer, more flexible manufacturing with reduced manpower.

At the Delta booth, the company also highlighted its best-in-class Industrial Power Supplies including its latest DIN Rail power supply series- CliQ III. Many visitors showed interest in the new CliQ III series which features one of the slimmest designs available in the market and power boost up to 150% for 5 seconds. Another product that attracted attention was Delta’s latest DC-UPS Module the DRU-24V10ACZ, which can use an external battery to supply up to 37 minutes of backup support to a 10A load.

To find out the next event, please visit.

Delta’s booth at Manufacturing Expo 2018

Sophia robot visits Delta’s booth

Delta representative demonstrates power supply application

The latest product, CliQ III series of DIN rail power supply, DC-UPS Module, PMH series low profile

Many visitors are interested in Delta’s booth

Delta successfully exhibits at Manufacturing Expo 2018, Thailand


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