Delta Presents Medical Power Supplies at CMEF Spring 2023

Shanghai, China, May 14-17, 2023 – Delta participated in the China International Medical Equipment Fair (CMEF) in Shanghai from 14th to 17th May 2023. The medical equipment exhibition connects international brands with globally licensed distributors, resellers, manufacturers, doctors, regulators, and government agencies.

The highlighted medical power supplies are mainly for high-end medical equipment, type BF (body floating) medical equipment, and IVDs, including:

  • CT Scanners and MRI Equipment: Delta's configurable power supply MEG-A Series is ideal for providing highly efficient and stable power to CT scanners during constant high-speed rotation. With its compact design, the MEG-A Series offers up to 9-slot frames that are compatible with three types of power modules. Users have the flexibility to configure and build power supplies with a maximum capacity of 3 kW and a voltage range of 2-60 Vdc. Additionally, the power density of these power supplies can reach up to 27 W/inch³. Furthermore, the latest model of the enclosed medical power supply MEB Series, the MEB-2K5A, expands the limits and achieves a maximum power density of 29 W/inch³. This high power density ensures excellent power efficiency for MRI and other high-end medical equipment.
  • Ultrasound Machines: Ultrasound machines are widely used to diagnose organ lesions, as well as perform obstetrics and gynecology applications for real-time detection. To fulfill the machine's requirements for stable power supplies and low noise operation, Delta offers the open frame medical power supply MEU Series and the enclosed medical power supply MEB Series. The MEU Series provides output powers of 600-650 W with up to 96% power efficiency. The 650 W model offers convection or forced air cooling options, along with 5 V standby power and 12 V power for fan operation to ensure stable operation. On the other hand, the MEB Series features 5 V / 2 A standby power, a current sharing function, and offers high efficiency with forced air cooling. In addition, Delta also offers the low-power open-frame type MEP Series, which is suitable for type BF medical products such as anesthesia ventilators.
  • In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Devices: To perform in vitro tests or analyses on blood, urine, body fluids, or tissues without direct contact with patients, the power supplies must be efficient, stable, and equipped with excellent cooling. Delta's enclosed medical power supply MEB Series meets these requirements as it provides various output voltages (12 V, 24 V, 36 V, and 48 V) and features forced air cooling.

For more product information, please contact our representatives or you can leave us a message via the Contact Us form.

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