Delta Electronics has launched a new series of LED driver with fixed output current, power ranging from 11W to 40W. Delta’s LNP-C series is designed to be compatible with COB and mid-power LEDs from any LED manufacturer. These power supplies have independent type housing design for stand-alone installations and various output current selection for different lumens requirements. Typical applications of LNP-C series includes indoor LED lighting such as commercial and residential lighting.
The LNP-C series meet major Europe safety certifications according to IEC/EN 61347-1, IEC/EN 61347-2-13, EN 62384 and compliant with EN 55015 Immunity / Emissions / Harmonic requirements. They are designed and rigorously tested to work in various indoor LED lighting conditions.
Highlights & Features
- Constant current design
- Input voltage from 198-264Vac
- Up to 90.5% efficiency
- Independent or built-in type
- Meets IEC/EN 61000-3-2, Class C
- Fixed output current
- IP20 assembly for indoor applications
Please contact your local sales representative or distributor for product availability.
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