CliQ II 3-Phase DIN Rail Power Supply Now Available with 60W and 120W Output Power

Delta Electronics has added the 3-phase models to its CliQ II DIN Rail Power Supply series. The CliQ II 3-phase DIN Rail Power Supply series offers output voltage of 24V for power ratings at 60W (DRP024V060W3BA) and 120W (DRP024V120W3BA). Three other power ratings for the 24V output range will be launched within 2013. These products are encased in rugged yet lightweight full aluminium body that can withstand shock and vibration according to IEC 60068-2 standard and operate over a wide temperature range of -25°C to +75°C and wide input range for 3-phase from 320Vac to 600Vac or 2-phase from 360Vac to 600Vac, with no power de-rating throughout the entire range.

Compared to its predecessor, the CliQ II 3-phase DIN Rail Power Supply series has a smaller footprint with longer Power Boost duration of 150% up to 5 seconds. Like the rest of the models in the CliQ family, conformal coating is applied on the PCBAs to protect against dust and chemical pollutants.

For more information or enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact your local Delta Electronics distributor or visit




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