Delta Showcases the Latest Medical Power Supplies at KIMES 2016 (Korea)

Delta participated in the 32nd Korea International Medical & Hospital Equipment Show (KIMES 2016) in Seoul, Korea. The exhibition sees 1,100 domestic and overseas manufacturers displaying the latest technologies and products for current and future medical industry. Delta joined hands with our key partner, K-world, to set up an impressive booth featuring our wide range of standard industrial and medical power supplies that attracted many interested visitors from March 17-20, 2016. More than 60 models were on display and the team had welcomed large number of visitors over the four days.

From the left to right side, Mr. Bae(Sales Manager, K-world), Mr. Kim(CEO, K-world), Mr. Yoon(Sales director, K-world), Mr. Jerry(Sales of DELTA Korea), Mr. Shin(FAE Director, K-world), Mr. Cho(Sales Manager, K-world)

Mr. Dennis Wang (Product Manager of DELTA Taiwan, left) and Mr. Eric Chen (IPS Sales Account Manager of DELTA Taiwan, right)

Visitors who were interested in Panel Mount Power Supply

Visitors who were interested in Delta's DC Fan



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