Delta USVI-RDL Constant Voltage LED Drivers

Price is no longer the only aspect customers consider when making purchases at supermarkets. Now, the overall shopping experience is crucial, especially in the frozen foods area. Upgrading to brighter and more energy-efficient LED lighting luminaires not only makes foods and frozen goods more enticing and appealing, but it also reduces utility expenses. The long-term solution for managers is the build a pleasant and comfortable shopping atmosphere that engages customers and encourages them to stay longer, which in turn improves product rotation. Upgrading your freezer and refrigerator lighting will get you a positive return.

USVI-RDL series of LED drivers, USVI-060024FR, USVI-080024FR1 USVI-100024FR1, can modernize your freezer and refrigerator by emphasizing enhanced merchandising in cold vaults. These drivers are global approbations and certifications: SELV 24V output, which ensures safety even if wiring or LED boards was damaged; Installation friendly by designing drivers for Class I and Class II systems. Moreover, energy savings can be carried out through high efficiency rate to meet 2021 ErP regulations, and best EMC performance was also taken into consideration in product developing.

They are meticulously designed and rigorously tested to work under various refrigeration display lighting conditions. Ultimate robustness, offering peace of mind and lower maintenance costs for customers.

    Highlights & Features

    • Comply ErP Eco-design regulations.
    • Constant voltage design with 60W, 80W, 100W output power
    • Universal input voltage from 120 to 277 VAC
    • Wide operating temperature range (-40°C to +55°C)
    • Equivalent to IP54.
    • Safety-certificated for IEC 60335 and IEC 61347
    • Design and fix for luminaires of protection class I and protection class II
    • Particularly suitable for refrigerated display lighting applications

      More Information


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