Introducing CliQ II Buffer Module

Delta CliQ II Buffer Module offers the most widely used output voltage of 24V and one of the longest buffering time of 0.25 sec (min) at 20A in wide input range from 22.8Vdc to 28.8Vdc. The Buffer Module utilizes maintenance-free electrolytic capacitors to store energy, thus eliminates the need of periodic replacement as compared to costlier batteries which also have shorter functional life span. Delta CliQ II Buffer Module comes with comprehensive protection features like overcurrent/overload, overvoltage and short circuit protection. Delta CliQ II series of products is IP20 compliant with full corrosion resistant Aluminium chassis and conformal coating on the PCBAs to provide protection against dust and chemical pollutants.

Brand Comparison

How to Install the Buffer Module?

Connection Diagram with Redundant Operation

In critical industrial applications like automation and energy management, any sudden power outage no matter how short can have dire consequences. Therefore batteries are common solutions when long backup power is required during mains failures. However, for systems whereby milliseconds are enough to ensure error free system recovery when the mains recover, Buffer module will suffice. In comparison to batteries, a Buffer module has a longer functional life, costs less and easier to maintain. 

For more information, please refer to the Technical Datasheet or simply send your enquiry.


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