Delta Electronics Chairman Yancey Hai Receives Asia Talent Management Award

Delta Electronics Chairman Yancey Hai won the Asia Talent Management Award at CNBC's 12th Asia Business Leaders Awards (ABLA) 2013, held in Bangkok on November 14th. Mr. Hai was chosen from among 62 outstanding Asia business leaders based on his exceptional achievements in talent development, attraction, and retention, which have enabled Delta to develop into an internationally recognized sustainable enterprise. With this award Mr. Hai is the first business leader of a Taiwan based company to win ABLA honors twice since the ABLA began in 2001, having received “Asia Innovator of the Year” in 2010.
Mr. Hai remarked, "I am honored to receive the Asia Talent Management Award at this year’s Asia Business Leaders Awards. I accept it on behalf of all our employees at Delta Group, whose efforts and dedication have made this award possible. Delta is fortunate to be able to combine our company's mission ‘To provide innovative, clean and energy-efficient solutions for a better tomorrow' with our business development. As we are moving from ODM to DMS (Design, Manufacture, Solution), we have made talent management a strategic part of the business model shift. Delta invests 5% to 6% of our group's annual sales revenues in research and development to equip our staff with essential technical skills and domain knowledge for system integration service.”
Mr. Yancey Hai joined Delta Electronics in 1999 and became Vice Chairman and CEO in 2004. In June 2012, Mr. Hai was elected as Chairman to oversee Delta’s corporate strategic direction and solidify the corporate governance mechanism as well as enhance corporate social responsibility. Under Mr. Hai's leadership Delta Electronics quadrupled its revenues to $5.9 billion with more than 70% of its shares held by global institutional investors. Delta Group is now the industry leader in energy management solutions, with worldwide sales revenues of US$ 7.1 billion in 2012. Recent recognition for Delta’s corporate social responsibility includes receiving the Taiwan National Industry Innovation Award twice as well as selection to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index’s (DJSI) World Index for the past three consecutive years. In brand development, Delta was named as one of Taiwan’s Top 20 global brands.
The CNBC Asia Business Leaders Awards distinguishes remarkable business leaders throughout Asia. Winners of the awards are outstanding leaders with strength, innovation, ingenuity, knowledge and foresight—values that are essential for building powerful businesses in the global economy. The six awards presented at the 2013 CNBC Asia Business Leaders Awards include: Asia Business Leader of the Year, Lifetime Achievement Award, Asia Talent Management Award, Asia Innovator of the Year Award, Corporate Social Responsibility Award, and Thailand Business Leader of the Year.


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