Delta Showcases Industrial Power Supplies and Smart Building Automation at IEE Expo 2020

Delta Electronics joined the 8th International Elevator and Escalator Expo (IEE) Expo in Mumbai, India from February 27-29, 2020. The event showcased building machinery and technological innovations to develop high-tech elevators and escalators in India. The rapidly increasing numbers of commercial buildings, residential projects, metro and railway developments in India aim to propel India as the world’s second largest elevator and escalator market.

Delta demonstrated its PMT2 series of Panel Mount power supply products which are designed with an extreme low profile of 30mm and can operate from -30°C to 70°C. It accepts universal AC input for 35W, 50W and 100W models. There is a select switch for 150W and 350W models. This series comes the latest international safety certifications such as IEC/EN/UL 62368-1 and IEC/EN 60335-1.

At the event, visitors explored the PMU Panel Mount power supply, with integrated DC-UPS function, which prevents system downtime in the event of disruption or unexpected loss of input AC power. This power supply will switch over to battery operation (batteries not included) without interruption to maintain operational reliability in mission critical applications. Delta also displayed its PJU series open frame power supply which also comes with integrated DC-UPS function.

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