New Delta Standard Power Supplies 2014 Catalog is Now Available

Delta’s March 2014 edition of Delta Standard Power Supplies catalog and leaflets are now available. Several new product series have been added. They are the PMH, PMR and PMF panel mount power supply series and the PJT and PJB open frame power supply series. There are a total of more than 30 new models from these series. In addition, more reader friendly features like the color coded Application icons and products separator tabs have been included.

How to get your catalog?

    If you would like a printed copy of the catalog, simply contact your local Delta Electronics distributor.

    Our catalog is also available on iPad and iPhone Apps. Simply search for DeltaPSU (iPhone) or DeltaPSU HD (iPad) to download the free App from the App Store. You can also scan the QR Code below to download our Apps.

About Delta Group

Delta Group, founded in 1971, is the global leader in power and thermal management solutions. Our mission statement, “To provide innovative, clean and energy-efficient solutions for a better tomorrow,” focuses our role in addressing key environmental issues such as global climate change. As an energy-saving solutions provider, Delta's businesses encompass power electronics, energy management, and smart green life. Delta has sales offices worldwide and manufacturing facilities in Taiwan, China, USA, Europe, Thailand, Japan, India, Mexico, and Brazil. Throughout Delta Group's history we have received many global awards and recognition for our business, technology, and corporate social responsibility. In 2012 Delta was selected for two of the prestigious Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes—the DJSI World Index and the DJSI Asia/ Pacific Index—for the 2nd consecutive year. Delta was also ranked first among the 29 leading companies in the Electronic Equipment sector and named as "Sector Leader" for the first time by DJSI.For detailed information on Delta Group, please visit:


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